Thursday, February 18, 2016

Assignment #2: Character Development

Physical Attributes:
- Name: Mack McCarthy
  • medium height
  • stocky build: not fat, just bigger (more contrast with the small, lithe cat)
  • 30 years old (not too old or experienced, but out of school and solidly part of the ‘real world’)
  • dark hair and dark eyes (probably dark brown, almost black for hair)
  • harsh face; square jaw, heavy brows, looks kind of scary, imposing, but not mean
  • doesn’t scowl or look angry, just depressed/down basically
  • wears a tattered businessman suit, loosened tie and top button undone
    • does factory work and wears jumpsuits when working
    • has to wear the business attire when job-hunting but doesn’t like it (doesn’t like the life that comes with it)
    • wears a fedora-like hat
  • when he does smile, he smiles really wide and sincerely (doesn’t smile often though)
  • little bit unshaven (5 o’clock shadow)
  • doesn’t carry a bag or briefcase or anything - just a wallet in his coat
  • when at home, he wears a white undershirt and his slacks (doesn’t have much else to his wardrobe)
  • diet of canned foods: beans, tuna, sardines, spinach, etc.; also bread, crackers
  • health: healthy, doesn’t get sick often, robust; does a lot of manual labor so he has to stay in shape; is strong

2. Backstory
  • occupation: does a lot of things, mainly factory work (like welding, plumbing, that kind of stuff)
    • whatever he can find
  • income: workman’s wages (hourly, varies depending on what work he can find)
  • home: small apartment in a busy but rundown neighborhood
    • lots of neighbors, but not really close
    • he always gets home late because he’s working so he doesn’t interact with the others much
    • apartment is pretty bare and a little unkempt; he’s not in it often because he’s out working/looking for work
      • almost empty pantry
      • lives off canned food
      • ends up sharing things like canned sardines with the cat
  • Parents live far away (other state?)
    • they’re elderly and can’t take care of him
    • has a younger sister who takes care of them (lives with them)
    • sends some money when he can back to them even though he can’t really afford to spare it
    • close to his family but is also independent
      • determined to ‘be a man’ and make his own way
      • they also don’t have the means to help him/support him either
  • Proud; has a hard time accepting help
  • introverted; prefers to be on his own
    • doesn’t like being lonely though
    • likes limited companionship
  • unmarried, never been married
    • no children
    • not dating (too busy with finding work to support him and parents)
    • would probably like a family if he felt he had the means to support them
  • Went to college (smart) got a degree in engineering (or the era’s equivalent)
    • had high hopes for work after that, got a good engineering job right out of college - then the depression hit and he lost his job, and he had to take up more manual labor; can’t bring himself to leave the city where he had his big break and had success before
    • his business suit is a remnant from that time when he was doing well (hasn’t been able to buy a new one in years)
  • lives by fairly strict routine; very organized by necessity
    • is forced to break his routine with the addition of the cat, and finds that it’s actually a welcome blessing (like occasional spontaneity)
    • doesn’t like structure but is forced to live in a structured manner in a structured society; he’d forgotten what it’s like to not live like that until the cat
  • lives in New York but not in the main city
    • family lives in more rural east (south-east?)
  • his world (psychologically as well as visually for story’s sake) is very monochrome, dismal, gray, etc., so the orange cat seems very garish and loud at first in comparison
    • his first reaction is that it’s too bright and doesn’t belong
    • eventually realizes that it’s the rest of his world that’s too colorless
  • kind-hearted; wants to take care of others
    • when he first meets the cat it’s watching him eat; he can tell it’s hungry (very thin) and shares some of his food he just bought with his meager funds (may have been treating himself but ended up sharing his treat) - the cat follows him home after this
  • he’s not cut-throat enough to really make it in the big city; he’s honest and selfless, but it often works out negatively for him/ he’s taken advantage of
  • to live comfortably with his family in a furnished home
  • to have a family of his own
  • his family suffering
  • him not being able to provide for them
  • being forgotten
  • always checking his watch (anxious and very time-oriented)

3. Character Narrative:

Mack jiggled the door handle once more, just to check for certain. He sighed heavily as it refused to turn, but honestly, he hadn’t expected it would. He looked around to see his meager belongings piled in the apartment hallway beside him, stacked with surprising care considering what must have been a hasty removal. The landlord had warned him this would happen if he missed another month’s rent. There was nothing he could do though; with his small pocketful of earnings, he barely had enough to pay for food. He hadn’t even made enough this time to send some back to mom and pop. Turning his back against the wall, Mack slumped to the floor, all his energy spent from a long day of back-breaking labor and never-ending worry. It was all too much - he didn’t have time to worry about finding a new place to live right now, not when he had another work shift starting in a few hours and he could barely keep awake. What he wouldn’t give now to be back in his room, kick off his shoes, and let his eyes close for at least a few moments before he was thrown back into the ugly gray fray of the real world.

A sound beside him on the floor drew his attention, and he looked to see that old orange cat sitting calmly, staring up at him expectantly. He could feel irritation rising in him at the sight of its carefree face, and shifted around so his back was to it. The cat almost gaudy orange cat was in no mood to leave though, and made its presence known with a loud, grating meow. Mack peered over his shoulder at it; it rocked slightly as it made itself more comfortable on the concrete floor of the landing, but otherwise didn’t move.

“What do you want from me?” Mack said gruffly, “I don’t have a home for you to crash in anymore. Go bother some other chump, will ya?” The cat meowed again in response, its expectant face not changing in the slightest. Nearing his wits end, Mack turned to face the cat again, ready to pick it up by the scruff and carry it outside if needs be, but as he turned the cat rose from its spot and walked briskly toward him. Nudging his knee with its head, the bright orange cat paced in circles in front of him, meowing and looking up at him every now and then impatiently. Mack watched the little show with steely eyes, but after a moment his expression softened, and with an annoyed huff he reached behind him to his metal lunch carrier and pulled out the remains of his sardine can. Presenting it to his feline companion, he felt a small smile light his face as the cat attacked the near empty tin with gusto.

“Guess you and me are in the same boat now, eh cat?” He said dourly, and the cat responded with a happy twitch of his tail. “I suppose we could camp out on the roof tonight.” he said thoughtfully, glancing up as though he could see onto the flat roof of the building, “There’s not much in the way of cover up there, but the stars are real nice.” The cat looked up at him from the now clean container, meowing in agreement with the suggestion. Mack smiled again, and this time it was wide and genuine. He stood then, and began to gather his belongings off the floor and into his arms, choosing not to dwell on the fact that he could gather them all in one trip. Starting off towards the stairwell with the orange cat trotting happily behind, Mack said over his shoulder “Watch my stuff for me while I’m at work, will ya? And why not try hunting for a change? I’m sure there are plenty of pigeons up there for you to eat; I’m almost out of sardines!”

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